
Your Office Habits can Help Reduce your Carbon Footprint

13th Jun 2018

Many companies are moving to print less to help reduce their carbon footprint. You may be wondering how to create a company culture that embraces being environmentally conscious. Currently, there are recycle bins in your office, but they either remain empty, or people don’t know how to use them. You know this because you constantly have to clean rubbish out of them and paper and cans are in the trash. You have posted signs, but still it persists. Here are a few suggestions to help with your recycling campaign.

Get the big wigs on board. If you come up with some figures and present them in a digital presentation, showing how much the company would save in printing costs if unnecessary printing ended or was reduced, and the cost of recycling versus waste going into landfills. They might be a little more swayed to join the effort and transform the office from the top down.

Ask your recycler if they have printed posters that show what goes into the trash and what goes into the recycling bins and post them near the bins, at eye level.

Have educational emails that go out from the company weekly with suggestions to help recycling at home and in the office.

Whether you buy a Dell C1760NW toner or a MLT-D111S for your Samsung printer, you could also encourage coworkers to add in a tag at the bottom of the emails asking the recipient to think before printing.