
Don’t Forget to Replace that Dell C1765NFW Toner Cartridge as it is Beginning to Fade

30th Jan 2018

If you die a little bit each time you have to print out labels, envelopes or basically anything other than a standard sheet of paper, then you should really read these helpful tips. It is far better to learn how to best manage these printing projects than slowly kill yourself. No need to feel all alone because you are having a difficult time, your are certainly not alone.

When printing envelopes and labels, there is a multitude of software programs that feature templates for making this an easier process. There are programs available that enable you to print just one label or envelope or you can create envelopes for mass mailing, each with a return mail address. Many of these programs offer step by step instructions on how to create just what you need. It is recommended you do a little homework to discover a program that will fit your specific needs. If you are doing a mass printing, make sure you do a test run with just one to make sure you have the envelope loaded in the printer correctly. Also, when printing labels, make sure you are printing on the proper side of the label. It is a horrible feeling when you realize you just printed 500 labels on the wrong side.

If you are printing business items like brochures and business cards, we suggest you print on high-quality paper. Also, look for clean edge business cards on thick stock for a more professional look. A business card on floppy paper with perforated edges will not win you any brownie points.

Stay tuned to this channel for even more printing tips in the future. In the meantime, don't forget to replace that Dell C1765NFW toner cartridge as it is beginning to fade.